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Sezon 1

 hitchhiker 1

"Autostopowicz" to serial telewizyjny produkcji HBO, w którym każdy odcinek to osobna, przerażająca historia. Opowieści wydobywają na światło dzienne słabości ludzkiej natury i jej ciemną stronę, a wszystkie razem scala tajemniczy główny bohater. Page Fletcher, tytułowy "Autostopowicz", samotnie przemierza boczne drogi, gdzie mrok zawsze jest po jego stronie, a terror czai się za każdym rogiem. Odważysz się wyruszyć razem z nim w podróż? Będzie Twoim przewodnikiem w świecie, gdzie nie ma dobra, a przeklęte zło jest wszechobecne.




Shattered Vows:

Handsome and ambitious young man Jeff Boder marries the wealthy and much older Jackie Winslow for her considerable fortune. Jeff falls under the enticing spell of Jackie's bitchy and cynical stepdaughter Pamela. Jeff finds a way to bump off Jackie using a mysterious statuette given to him by his grandmother so both him and Pamela can inherit her money. However, things don't ultimately work out as planned in the long run.


When Morning Comes:

Married, but sleazy and philandering music company advertising executive Bob Ames fancies himself as a real ladies' man. Bob initially can't believe his good luck when he discovers the lovely Cathy Marks taking refuge from a fierce thunderstorm in his remote hunting cabin in the woods. However, Bob soon suspects that the mysterious Cathy might be a deadly escapee from a local mental institution for criminally insane women.


Split Decision:

Desperate and down on his luck real estate salesman Jake McElhaney is in danger of losing his job. Jake thinks he's hit the jackpot when he secures a choice gig selling the home of beautiful identical twin sisters Frances and Priscilla Packard. However, Jake eventually finds out that the lovely siblings have an unusual way of sharing things that include the men in their lives.

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Arrogant and exacting classical music composer Kurt Hoffman neglects his lovely young wife Veronica. The sad and unloved Veronica has an extramarital fling with Eric Dunlap, who's the hunky young electronics whiz who has installed a state of the art sound system in Kurt's lavish secluded lakeside home. Kurt goes off the murderous deep end after he finds out about Veronica and Eric's affair.


Remembering Melody:

Self-centered yuppie attorney Ted Miller is reunited with Melody, a former old flame and college roommate who still firmly clings to her 60's hippie ideals. Ted allows the jobless and destitute Melody to spend the night at his apartment, but things soon fall apart when Melody realizes that Ted has sold out his youthful beliefs in favor of greed, success, and shallow materialism.


Face to Face:

Homely and desperate transsexual Nina Russell hires prominent, but sleazy and arrogant plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Hamilton to create a more alluring and attractive face for her.


And If We Dream:

Married Todd Fields teaches a high school photography class in a quiet small country town, but has ambitions to work as a photographer in a big city. Todd gets led astray when he falls under the seductive spell of attractive new student Roseanne Lucas.


Petty Thieves:

Twitchy, eager, and ambitious small-time criminal Mickey aspires to work as a drug runner for slimy big time drug lord Joey Stregga. In order to achieve this goal Mickey has to set up his sweet and innocent ex-hooker girlfriend Pearl on a date with Stregga. However, Mickey winds up paying a heavy price for betraying Pearl's pure love for him.



Sleazy and duplicitous predatory womanizer Jack Rhodes is an electronics salesman who uses a video dating service to pick up lonely young women to have one night stands with. Jack meets his match in the form of the cunning and enticing Barbara, who invites Jack on a date to her remote high-rise apartment loft.


A Time For Rifles:

Lew Bridgeman and Joe Caldwell are two longtime best friends who served together in the Vietnam War. Lew and Joe wind clashing with each other over Lew's fetching wife Rae, whom both men are in love with.


Man at the Window:

Faded playwright Arthur Brown uses state-of-the-art electronic equipment to record the private conversations of other people and uses the material gleaned from said intimate conversations for his work. Brown gets in over his head when his latest subject Diane Hampton turns out to be having an extramarital affair with lesbian photographer Carla Magnuson. When Diane's abusive and possessive cop husband John finds out what's going on, everyone including Brown is placed in great danger.


Hired Help:

Lovely, but cold and ruthless businesswoman Kay Mason runs a garment factory where she treats her illegal Mexican immigrant workers in a very cruel and inhumane manner. Kay more than meets her match in the form of Victor, a handsome and mysterious young Mexican whom Kay develops an immediate amorous interest in.


Murderous Feelings:

Unethical psychiatrist Dr. Peter Milne gets romantically involved with neurotic and unstable patient Sara Kendal. Peter's manipulation of Sara's mind and emotions causes her psychosis to intensify to the point where she can't distinguish dreams from reality and Peter eventually becomes the target of Sara's murderous feelings.

Sezon 3

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Jane Reynolds pracuje na nocnej zmianie w domu starców, prowadząc go żelazną ręką. Lecz odkryje, że nocą pewne zasady można łamać. Jane Reynolds polowała na słabych i bezbronnych podczas swych nocnych dyżurów, aż los zesłał na nią starożytną istotę, i pokazał drapieżnikowi, jak z łowcy stać się ofiarą. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Sadystyczna pielęgniarka pracująca w domu starców razem ze swoim chłopakiem, znęca się nad pacjentami. Wszystko się zmienia, kiedy nowy „pacjent” zastosuje własną metodę leczenia.


Out of the Night:

After a shooting, a young teenage boy on the run from police stumbles into a hotel where the tenants are not normal.


The Killer:

Lovely young invalid Meg Kinderly has to fend for herself after she gets trapped in her spacious family mansion with a vicious killer who has just wiped out most of her family and all of the servants.



Spowiedź jest dobra dla duszy. A wielebny Nolan Powers robi na niej świetny interes. Ale mimo to, jest jeden słuchacz, który zakłóci jego spokój. Wielebny Nolan Powers miał głęboko skrywany sekret, świadectwo jego zazdrości i gniewu. Gdy uruchomił swą wieżę nadawczą, dał głos swej bezbożnej przeszłości. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Kto ocali radiowego kaznodzieję od jego grzesznej przeszłości? Wymowny i aktualny dramat.


Man's Best Friend:

Richard Shepard jest na granicy. Zagubiony i bardzo samotny. Opuścił właśnie miejsce pomiędzy złością a bólem i wkrótce przekona się, jaki koszmar zgotują mu te uczucia. Richard Shepard grał ofiarę.  Obwiniał zawsze kogoś innego, nigdy siebie. Gdy zanurzył się w otchłani szaleństwa, za późno przekonał się, że wszystko było jego winą. A jego nowy przyjaciel był tylko wytworem jego wyobraźni. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Porzucony przez żonę, oskarżający cały świat za swoje nieszczęścia, Richard znajduje schronienie w domku plażowym swojego przyjaciela. A bezpański pies, którego przygarnia, okaże się czymś więcej, niż czworonogim pupilkiem.



Żyli w trójkącie pełnym namiętności i kłamstwa, sprawdzając siłę zdrady i nieczystej gry. Lecz, gdy rzucisz swój los w fale, twoje plany może porwać nurt... Jeffrey Hunt pożądał sławy, nieważne za jaką cenę. Chciał, by każdy poznał jego imię. Gdy jego ambicja zamieniła się w obsesję, ta całkiem go oślepiła. Zamiast  w świetle jupiterów, wszyscy zobaczyli go, ginącego wśród fal. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Wypalony pisarz pozoruje własną śmierć. Ale kiedy jego niewierna żona i najlepszy przyjaciel naprawdę tego dokonują, wszyscy zapłacą za swoje oszustwa.


O.D. Feelin':

The various unlucky owners of a strange bag of cocaine are followed over the course of a night.


Dead Man's Curve:

Successful romance novelist Claudia returns to her small hometown of Bolton to attend her high school reunion. Claudia gets involved in a steamy affair with handsome young resident stud Lance. However, trouble materializes in the form of jealous and sinister ex-boyfriend turned local sheriff Lee.


The Curse:

A flashy businessman finds out he owns a slum apartment building, and is unwilling to make repairs until strange things begin to happen to him.


True Believer:

A troubled investigator looks into the suicide of a priest in an abandoned convent.


Last Scene:

Robienie filmów ma coś z magii. Tworzenie wizji, manipulowanie widzem. Gdy zbyt długo masz do czynienia z jawą i snem, ryzykujesz utratę kontroli nad własnym życiem.  Alex Nolan był reżyserem. Bawił się światłem i cieniem, nazywając to prawdą. Rzeźbił w ludziach jak w glinie. Ale prawda zawsze wyjdzie na jaw. A stworzone istoty zwykle śmieją się ostatnie. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć:Przyprawiająca o dreszcze opowieść o reżyserze filmowym, który zrobi wszystko, aby grająca główną rolę aktorka, wypadła jak najlepiej.


Man of Her Dreams:

A stressed out bank employee begins having premonitions concerning a serial killer, who could be any one of the men in her life.


One Last Prayer:

Sweet singer Miranda and her musician partner Sean are a couple of struggling songwriters who are trying desperately to break into the rock music business. Miranda creates a sexy new image for herself in order to achieve the fame and success she desires. However, Miranda winds up paying an extremely heavy spiritual price because of said sexy image.

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Perfect Order:

A model desperate for fame hooks up with a crazed fashion photographer.



Overbearing control freak Jeremy and his long-suffering wife Julie are a squabbling young rich couple who encounter unexpected trouble in the form of a scruffy biker and his pregnant girlfriend while embarking on a road trip to Sunnyvale. Can a surprise journey through time enable the obsessive Jeremy to successfully avert a tragic disaster?


Dead Heat:

A sculptor uses a drifter and his own abused girlfriend to recreate a murder/suicide.


Why Are You Here?:

Jerry Rulack, dziwka mediów. Używa telewizji, by poniżyć innych, a wywyższyć siebie. Tego wieczoru, program Jerry'ego wpadnie w szpony ciemności. Jerry Rulack chciał wszystkich oszukać, mówiąc, że świat go obchodzi,  ale tak naprawdę zajęty był tylko sobą. Skończył, jako bohater swojego własnego programu. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Piękna królowa nocy może okazać się zbyt wielkim problemem dla gospodarza pewnego programu telewizyjnego.



Więzy często bywają zgubne, dlatego czasami warto je zerwać. Jeśli jesteś Jimmy'm Lee Stollerem, i masz za kumpla mordercę, albo popadniesz w obłęd, albo zdobędziesz to, czego chcesz. Jimmy Lee Stoller nigdy nie miał prawdziwej rodziny. Trafił prawie idealnie.  Przywrócił rodzinę do życia, by osądzić śmierć, i znalazł dom ze swoich obłąkanych snów. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Dwaj skazańcy, którzy uciekli z więzienia, nawet się nie spodziewają co ich czeka, kiedy przekroczą próg pewnego domu.


Doctor's Orders:

Puritanical small town mayor Jake Purly is running for reelection on a strict platform that vehemently opposes sex and pornography. However, a dark secret from Purly's shady past threatens to resurface and destroy his credibility in the form of lovely escort Dr. Rita de Roy.


The Legendary Billy B.:

Eager and unscrupulous tabloid newspaper reporter Jane L. will go to any length to score a juicy scoop. Jane L. gets in way over her head when she goes snooping around a remote rural mansion in search of Billy Baltimore, a legendary 60s acid rock guitarist who reportedly died twenty years ago.


In the Name of Love:

Niektórzy pod maską skrywają ból. Inni kolcami odgradzają się od świata. Ale nawet wysokie mury nie ochronią ich przed miłością. Ani przed zdradą. Jackie wiedziała, że w niebezpiecznym świecie miłość może być podstępem. Dwa razy pogubiła się i nie uciekła przed konsekwencjami swojego własnego kłamstwa. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć:  Pewna kobieta dostanie więcej niż oczekiwała, kiedy straci głowę dla instruktora fitness-u.


Made For Each Other:

Loud, arrogant, and obnoxious criminal Trout feels a strong kinship with and develops an immediate affinity for nerdy, mild-mannered, and soft-spoken serial killer Wax. However, the close bond between these two radically contrasting lunatics falls apart after the pair pick up a brash prostitute.



Deranged Peter relentlessly stalks and terrorizes Teresa, a lovely young lady who Peter thinks is his ex-wife Melissa. Peter frightens Teresa out of her wits by playing a series of cruel jokes on her.


Best Shot:

Cocky and obnoxious defense attorney Steve and his passive law professor buddy Brett decide to let it all hang out and gleefully indulge in irresponsible behavior while embarking on a cross country joyride. The duo film their exploits on a portable video camera. After Steve accidentally runs down a man on the side of the road, he does his best to hide what he's done from Brett. However, the dire consequences of Steve's grave actions eventually catch up with him when the pair stop off at a remote redneck bar in the middle of nowhere.


Secret Ingredient:

A smooth talking vitamin salesman contends with a rival, and a mysterious woman he follows home.


Cabin Fever:

A young gigolo stays with a washed up film director and his lonely abused wife on an isolated island.

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The Martyr:

A faux blind woman uses a young man obsessed with her to get rid of her husband.


In Living Color:

A photographer decides not to stop a woman from committing suicide in order to get some good pictures of the tragedy. His new female assistant makes him face his lack of empathy.


Dark Wishes:

A nurse wants the husband of her patient for herself, so she delves into black magic to get rid of her patient. However, her plan backfires.


Garter Belt:

American diplomat in Paris, who built his career on shady dealings, loses everything when everyone suddenly become aware of the skeletons in his closet.


Shadow Puppets:

A psychologist causes the terrors of a disturbed patient he's treating to haunt him.



The Parisian underworld clashes with a greedy developer, who's plans are not in line with theirs.


The Miracle of Alice Ames:

Brat Charles wykłada swoją własną religię. Pochyla się nad zagubionymi duszami i oferuje im dar – cud miłości. Ale powinien wiedzieć, że obietnic należy dotrzymywać. Alice Ames wierzyła. Wierzyła w Brata Charlesa, lecz on w nią zwątpił. Dała mu więc jedyny dowód, jaki mogła. W końcu, Brat Charles nie miał wyboru. Musiał uwierzyć we własne słowa. Zatem pora zapoznać się z kolejną historią, która nie pozwoli CI zasnąć: Ofiarami fałszywego pastora padają bezdomne kobiety, które pod pretekstem szerzenia „braterskiej miłości”, wprowadza w świat prostytucji.


3615 Code-Liz:

Jane works for a company that provides various online services including sex chat with an online sex operator. Her deadbeat husband Robert obsessively chats with operator named Liz. She tells him to kill his wife. Or is he imagining it?


Her Finest Hour:

A homeless conman couple tries to swindle a seemingly senile old lady out of her home by trying to convince her that the war is still on. Big mistake.


Together Forever:

An emotionally unstable woman becomes obsessed with the idea that her husband is having an affair.


Phantom Zone:

Young man on the brink of success is about to marry the woman of his dreams. However, his past comes calling.


Spinning Wheel:

A female artists' nightmares cause her to lose herself in self-pity mixed with egotism.


Square Deal:

An indebted conman meats his match.


Part of Me:

A fast food owner has only one goal in life - to utterly destroy and humiliate his competition. However, he gets a taste of his own medicine.


Fashion Exchange:

A fashion designer demands too much from his model, which leads to her suicide. This gets all those he'd wronged to seek revenge.



A Vietnam War vet is forced to leave his home that keeps him sane by his greedy sister. Tragedy ensues.



Tough, fierce, and intimidating high school track coach Billy Bolt zealously clings to his track record that's remained unbeaten for twenty-five years. When his runner son Kenny threatens to break his legendary mark, Bolt buckles under the pressure and risks having his heretofore spotless reputation ruined.


The Verdict:

Jennifer, a public prosecutor with an amazing conviction record, tried to get an alleged gang member convicted at any cost in order to keep her record impressive.


Hit & Run:

A deadbeat, who's abandoned his family and is on his way to meet the girl he likes, ends up in a hit and run situation. However, the man he ran over begins to haunt his conscious.


Studio 3X:

A journalist in need of an exclusive tries to turn an artsy pornographer into one, but her own fantasies end up exposed and she can't handle that.



A man who enjoys his solitude considers whether or not to let a woman with similar look on life into his world


The Cruelest Cut:

A hardened prostitute decides to accept advances of a nice young man, who seams frank about his feelings towards her. Meanwhile, someone is killing men who frequent prostitutes.


Dying Generation:

Two teens investigate a bitter fortune-teller, whose younger clients, including their friend, ended up committing suicide.


My Enemy:

A successful actress is tired of her life, so she decides to pretend to be someone else. However, she loses control over her new life.


Power Play:

Movie producer asks his newly appointed assistant to watch his house for a little while. There, he meets an attractive woman with the same task as his and things take a strange turn.



A has-been rock star with financial troubles arrives at a pawn shop to pawn his trademark guitar. However, an attractive woman asks him to rob the place.

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Fading Away:

An ex-marine believe his been abandoned by his peers while on a dangerous assignment.


Tough Guys Don't Whine:

A movie director, who sees himself as a tough guy, hooks up with the girl of a local gangbanger. The gang goes after him and he gets to test his self-image.


Riding the Nightmare:

A cutthroat career woman decides to get rid of her friend in order to have the friend's cheating husband all to herself.


Strate Shooter:

A young man, who likes to always have his way, tries to emulate his favorite TV show and save a girl from the clutches of the criminal underworld.


Hard Rhyme:

A poet, who works as teacher in prisons, steals a song he likes from a convict, who came up with her. He soon realizes that the song is carrying some serious baggage.


Toxic Shock:

A man catches his friend Raskin illegally dumping toxic waste near their small town. They fight and the man is killed, but Raskin becomes exposed to the toxic materials by accident and begins hallucinating and losing his grip on reality.


New Dawn:

An unfaithful husband, who lives with his wife in an artist colony, faces false accusation of murder, when his wife has had enough of his sexcapades.


A Function of Control:

A man falls hard for his co-worker, so much so that he agrees to help her cover up the accidental murder of their bosses wife. However, he messes up.


Trust Me:

A conman is in over his head, when he's forced by an attractive girl to swindle her mother.



An artists obsessed with his paintings comes to believe that the things he drew are events from the future.


Working Girl:

A housewife catches her husband in the act with another woman and decides to shoot them both, but the mistress escapes.


White Slaves:

Two college students, who can't get a date for the evening, kidnap a woman, but end up fighting each other over her.


Tourist Trap:

A Parisian conman, who rips off tourists, who arrive in town for the first time, finds that his latest mark has turned the tables on him.



The past comes back to haunt a charismatic white supremacist.


Living a Lie:

A bartender steals one of his customer's credit card and uses it to fulfill his every whim and need. What he doesn't realize is that he's just a pawn in someone's game.


Made In Paris:

The manager of a factory that hires illegal immigrants becomes responsible for the death of one of them. His becomes paranoid and believes that vengeful employees have cast a curse on him.


A Whole New You:

A violent criminal, preparing to testify against his old boss, goes to a clinic to have plastic surgery to conceal his identity.



A meek man is being dominated all his life by his selfish mother, who wants him to stay with her forever. He reaches the breaking point after having an oedipal nightmare, during sleep one night.



A woman and her lover try to get her husband's insurance money after he suffers a deadly accident. However, they get an unexpected visitor.


New Blood:

An aspiring actress is prepared to sell her soul just to be accepted into a popular unique theater troupe. However, that might actually be the actual price to be paid in this case.



The Hitchhiker Page Fletcher
The Hitchhiker Nicholas Campbell
Cop Vincent Grass
Angelica Kirstie Alley
Richard Mattel Andrew Gillies
Derval Jean-Pierre Stewart
Elisabeth Jill Hennessy
Arthur Daniel Briquet
Alice Laura Favali
Duncan Garwin Sanford
Chloe Nadia Capone
Michelle Carolyn Dunn
Eleonore Huguette Faget
George Greeves Philippe Loffredo
Killer Hooker Krista Bridges
Paul Tom Heaton
Teddy Lawrence Bayne
Interviewer Heidi von Palleske
Bertie Klein Enid Saunders
Detective Hagan Beggs
Charlie Victor Ertmanis
Maker 4 Keith Martin Gordey
Bullet Stephen E. Miller
Chef Garry Chalk
Barman Alex Diakun
Geoffrey Butler Ron Lea
Nina Russell Sonja Smits
Barbara Shannon Tweed
Joe Caldwell Stephen McHattie
Glenn Birch Sebastian Roché
Consuela Joanna Pavlis
Client William Doherty
Dr. Howard Lesnick David Berner
Miss Etienne Consuelo De Haviland
Lawyer Anthony Holland
Mark Greenburg Vlasta Vrana
Dr. Christopher Hamilton Robert Vaughn
Mrs. Baxter Elizabeth Ashley
Rev. Nolan Powers Gary Busey
Jane Reynolds Margot Kidder
Claudia Susan Anspach
Rat Sandra Bernhard
Miranda Lisa Blount
Alex Nolan Peter Coyote
Jerry Macklin Harry Hamlin
Jill Marilyn Hassett
Detective Frank Sheen Tom Skerritt
Jimmy Lee Stoler Christopher Collet
Jerry Rulac Brad Davis
Jackie Dresser Lucy Gutteridge
Jake Purly Paul Le Mat
Christina Virginia Madsen
Chris Taylor Dean Paul Martin
Steve Ken Olin
Jeremy John Shea
Rick Henson Michael Woods
Gerard Joe Dallesandro
Sterling Melody Anderson
Marvello Jeremy Clyde
Jennifer Polly Draper
Deirdre Meg Foster
Tommy Jason Gedrick
Miles Duchet John Glover
Leslie Erin Gray
Coach Charles Haid
Cheryl Lisa Hartman
Doug Perry King
Jeremy Chris Makepeace
Marybeth Roberta Maxwell
Eddie David McIlwraith
Gordon Brooks Michael Ontkean
Brother Charles Joe Pantoliano
Holly Joan Severance
Eric Coleman Ray Sharkey
Robert Lewis Marc Singer
Cooper Halliday David Soul
Ray Bruce Weitz
Heather Stephanie Zimbalist
Bart Robby Benson
Laura Perry Jennifer Dale
Lee Greavy Robert Foxworth
Raskin Zach Galligan
Jake David Marshall Grant
Gerald C. Thomas Howell
Tess Lauren Hutton
Tom Astor Lorenzo Lamas
Helen Peggy Lipton
Mitchell Nick Mancuso
Dawn Wilder Nancy McKeon
Johnny Mattel Christopher Rydell
Mickey Black Alan Thicke
Leesa White Rae Dawn Chong
Mother Birch Louise Fletcher
Veronica Mary Frann
Augie Benson Elliott Gould
Dubois Ken Howard
Leon Terence Knox
Joe Scott Valentine
Lynette 'Mama' Powers Geraldine Page
Sean John Cavell
The Wise Man Michael Des Barres
Jim Buckley Antony Hamilton
Leda Bedell LaGena Hart
Tanya Deborah Lacey
Sister Theresa Ornella Muti
Lance Michael Schoeffling
Johnnie Greg Evigan
Donette Helen Hunt
Simon Hopper Steve Inwood
Bill O'Mell Jim McMullan
Cameron Jerry Orbach
Julie Alexandra Paul
Brett Parker Stevenson
Hodie Andy Summers
Belinda Haskell Dana Wheeler-Nicholson
Inez Anny Mirande
Jane Katrine Boorman
Rosette Caroline Chaniolleau
Kenny Jonathan Crombie
Corinne Norma Dell'Agnese
Jacques Erick Deshors
Jason David James Elliott
Candace Samantha Follows
Paul Hippolyte Girardot
Ted Bruce McFee
Juliette Anny Romand
Adam Greg Spottiswood
Alexandra Guylaine St-Onge
Madeleine Denise Virieux
Alice Ames Coraly Zahonero
David Joseph Ziegler
Lucille Marine Delterme
Bobby Kevin Hicks
Ken Wilder Barclay Hope
String Lady Helen Hughes
Sophie Annabelle Mouloudji
Bowie Frank Pellegrino
Adara Hodan Siad
Eric Gérard Watkins
Mai Jan Yumi Fujimori
Agnes Ingrid Held
Denis LeBreaux Olivier Rabourdin
Varsig Didier Sauvegrain
Jeff Boder Bruce Greenwood
Tess Robin Greer
Eric Sato Robert Ito
Old Man Darren McGavin
Kathy Désirée Nosbusch
The Fool Dennis Burkley
Sheriff Lee Michael Ironside
Father Dowling Walter Learning
Serita Beah Richards
Billy Baltimore Jr. Brad Dourif
G.R. Dean Hallo
Beck Joe Holland
Miranda Season Hubley
Elizabeth Tamara Mark
Lorri Ann Michelle Moffett
Denise O'Mell Melissa Reeves
Harry Deakon Clayton Rohner
Nishi James Shigeta
Doris Susan Tyrrell
Ruby Sabrina Boudot
Martin John Boylan
Cynthia Liliane Clune
Stephanie Cynthia Preston
Sally Tracey Cook
Adrienne Mapi Galán
Sherri Lori Hallier
Monique Claude Jade
Margaret Cabot Charmion King
Freak Angelo Rizacos
Young Woman Andrea Roth
Jude Victoria Snow
Bernard Frédéric Norbert
Sylvie Cécile Paoli
Jackie Winslow Alexandra Stewart
Dr. Gold Arthur Corber
Cop Lawrence Dane
Darlene Brioni Farrell
The Chemist Joe Flaherty
Markey Dennis Kelly
Butchie Mitchell Anderson
Cheryl Barnes Candy Clark
Cheryl Ann Nancy Isaak
Lionel Brion James
Ron James Remar
Chardon Patrick Floersheim
Paul Christopher Bondy
Nigel Walker Boone
Barnes Michael Copeman
Michel Georges Fricker
Bruno Luigi Gorry
Mimi Manuela Gourary
Florence Michele Laroque
Claire Nathalie Mann
Melissa Emmanuelle Meyssignac
Albert Jean-Denis Monory
Manuel Bruce Ramsay
Stephanie Karen Tungay
Chuck Peter Van Wart
Sophie Greeves Élisabeth Vitali
Judy Brigit Wilson
Mary Brenda Bazinet
Victor Jean-Claude Bouillon
Matt Strate Matt Cooke
Mimi Rasmussen Jill Frappier
Karen Kaya McGregor
Roger Gilles Millinaire
Jesse Michael A. Miranda
Samantha Véronique Ryke
James Raoul Max Trujillo
Ted Bruce Bradley Cole
Carrie Micky Sébastian
Pamela Winslow Aleisa Shirley
Dr. Ensman Michele Scarabelli
Mrs. Cranshaw Dorothy Davies
Peter Ricky Paull Goldin
Orchid Lisa Dunsheath
Mavis Deanne Henry
Scott William Samples
Tony Robin Ward
Mike Peter Yunker
Socks Bernie Coulson
Brenda Sandy Tucker
Critic Simon Webb
Barbara Colleen Winton
Xixu Carol Miles
Buddy Frank Adamson
Bunny Vanille Attié
Dr. Braun Geoffrey Bateman
Marcel Marc Brunet
Alison Élisabeth Commelin
Arnie Tony De Santis
Charlotte Eléonore Hirt
Sheriff Raymond Hunt
Victor Gérard Ismaël
Allen Kevin Mair
Liz Paulina Mlynarska
Helpful Cop Dennis O'Connor
Brian David Orth
Nick Jonathan Potts
Laura Laura Press
Ed Bob Zidel
Karen Rachel Blanchard
Georges Yan Epstein
Detective Denis Fouqueray
Ahmed Karim Saleh
Helen Masters Maruska Stankova
Sheriff John Stoneham Sr.
Dr. Renaud Judith Burnett
Paul Yves Collignon
Julien Jean Descanvelle
Thierry Jerry Di Giacomo
Woman Florence Haziot
Sam Jim Adhi Limas
M. Cluet Michel Voletti
Gloria Sybil Danning
Ross Ian Forsyth
Nestor Arnold Johnson
The Duke Leon Isaac Kennedy
Mark Dwight Koss
Model Denise Brillon
Eddie James Crescenzo
Carson Jack Diamond
Husband Fred Henderson
Raylene Jeanette Lewis
Tiffany Vargas Freda Perry
Janet O'Mell Angel Tompkins
Beggar Girl Delphine Zentout
Pimp Vernon Dobtcheff
Husband Joseph Gaubert
Conrad Putnam Nicholas Hawtrey
Androgyne David Kinsman
Man Géza Kovács
Bonnie Mary Ann MacDonald
First Victim Larry Mannell
Gilles Michel Motu
Billy Alan Murley
Lou Stillman Nicholas Pasco
Tom Patrick Patterson
Mr. De Chambord François Raoul-Duval
Reed Ross Michael Rhoades
Ranger Paul Rutledge
Luc Deslys Mathieu Schiffman
Madam Flambert Anne-Marie Tarraud
Tiny Peter Cox
Helen Ferne Downey
Killer Daniel Kash
Gina Larissa Laskin
Buzz Phil Morrison
Major Michael Tait
Dorothy Katherine Trowell
Stephane Jean-Philippe Chatrier
Prostitute Christine B. Dawson
Thug Jean Dell
Claire Valérie Lagrange
Laurence Pauline Larrieu
Yong Jean-Claude Tran
Grandmother Anna Teghararian
Mr. Loring Kenneth Gordon
Gerald Tony Lewis
Young Man Paul Batten
Doctor Deryl Hayes
Mr. Big Gene Simmons
Iris Linda Darlow
Model Carmen Espejo
Student Tom Hunt
Billy O'Mell Jameson Sampley
Camera Bunny Michele Tittler
Anders J. Winston Carroll
City Official Natasha Cashman
Cop Paul Coeur
Mama Stillman Diane Fabian
Ariane Marie Guyonnet
ARVN Soldier Oscar Hsu
Minister François Klanfer
Passer-by Alain Richard
CV Security Alan Rose
Girl Heather Smith
Romaric Valdarno
Sonia Sylvie Van den Elsen
Judge Julie Wildman
Frank Conrad Coates
Detective Sandy Crawley
Albertine Alexandra Fierro
Tug Joseph Griffin
Jim Voth Peter Langley
Manny Gene Mack
Butler Burns Proudfoot
Art Critic Kay Tremblay
Girl at Club Chandra West
Alec Geoffrey Carey
Denise Catherine Erhardy
Patient Bernard Nissile
Claude Christian van Acker
Nurse Janet Hodgkinson
Male Stripper Roman Podhora
Liquor Store Owner Ted Stidder
Model Michael Tiernan
Vietnamese Boy Romar Armas
Hooker Bonnie Beck
Guard Wally Bondarenko
Papa Stillman Dick Callahan
Demonstrator Faye Cohen
Dying Mom Susan Kottman
Mat at Quai Didier Moniotte
Man Danny Pawlick
Bouncer Todd Schroeder
Madame de Moustieres Terry Shane
Hooker Tomoko Yokomitsu
Oriental Woman Gigi De Leon
Sheriff Doug Lennox
Salesman Antoine Blanquefort
Groundskeeper Patrick Bresson
Mrs. Blackmun Doreen Ramus
Woman Laurie O'Byrne
Phil Murgo Gilbert Adler
Guard 3X Dwight Bacquie
Hooker Gina Darling
Pawn Shop Customer Jed Dixon
Cop #2 Reg Dreger
Woman Donna Goodhand
Charlie Larry A. McLean
The Maid Alana Shields
Second Victim Gerry Pearson
Policeman Scott Wickware
Dealer Timothy Burd
Pastor Alan Simmonds
Cathy Marks Pamela Bowman
Jake McElhaney Jackson Davies
Sally Harris Tabitha Herrington
Priscilla Packard Audrey Landers
Frances Packard Judy Landers
Barb Atkinson Marlane O'Brien
Bob Ames August Schellenberg
Veronica Hoffman Belinda Bauer
Melody Susan Blakely
Ted Miller David Dukes
Kurt Hoffman Klaus Kinski
Eric Dunlap Stephen Shellen
Jill Friedlander Alberta Watson
Arthur Brown Edward Albert
Victor Fernando Allende
Mr. Kinderly Roger Allford
Kay Mason Karen Black
Mr. Stregga John Colicos
Todd Fields Stephen Collins
Eleanor Shepard Jennifer Cooke
Luis Louis Di Bianco
Catelya Brian Dooley
Undercover Cop Sonny Forbes
Patty Lisa Foster
Jack Rodney Gage
Maria Ali Giron
Jack Rhodes Gregg Henry
Lew Bridgeman Bo Hopkins
Jonathan Patrick Houser
Jack Guttman John Ireland
Quinlay Nicholas Kilbertus
Rico Paul Koslo
Rae Bridgeman Kim Lankford
Pearl Marie Laurin
Dr. Fischer Cec Linder
Cashier Pauline Little
John Hampton Michael Madsen
Iris Lucas Bronwen Mantel
Sara Margaret Martin
Lynn Fields Mitch Martin
Diane Hampton Penelope Milford
Carla Magnuson Belinda Montgomery
Mrs. Kinderly Sheila Moore
Dr. Peter Milne Franco Nero
Randi Boyd Norman
Man in Black John Novak
Richard Shepard Michael O'Keefe
Dr. Elizabeth Hazlitt Margot Pinvidic
Carl Joel Polis
Mickey Steve Railsback
Herb Mason Donnelly Rhodes
Tommy Michael Rudder
Meg Jenny Seagrove
Carole Bayers Linda Smith
Sara Kendal Renée Soutendijk
Rosa Fernanda Tavares
Roseanne Lucas Roberta Weiss
Tony Lynch Barry Bostwick
Jeffrey Hunt Willem Dafoe
Debby Hunt Dayle Haddon
Vivian Madeleine Sherwood
Detective Underhill M. Emmet Walsh
Sunny Jonelle Allen
Peter Timothy Bottoms
Wax Bud Cort
Watchman John 'Bear' Curtis
Bombshell Suzi Davis
Dr. Latimer Michael Emil
Male Stripper Adam Fleck
Arielle Denise Galik
Melissa Kelly Lynch
Detective White Walter Marsh
Allen Jeff McCracken
Anchor Woman Jane McDougle
Cal the drifter Scott McGinnis
Counter Girl Janne Mortil
Trout Bill Paxton
Stud Max Reimer
Old Billy Baltimore Frank C. Turner
Luthor Redmond Fred Ward
Colin Jerry Wasserman
Vivienne Francine Bergé
Frank Robert Carradine
Peter Philippe Chemin
Helene Myriam Cyr
(1 episode, 1989) Patti D'Arbanville
Applicante Yves Dangerfield
Doctor Bertrand De Hautefort
Henri François-Eric Gendron
(1 episode, 1989) Peter Hudson
Doctor Winters Brian Kerwin
Ashlyn Tammy Lauren
Catherine Catriona MacColl
Samai Jacques Martial
Lookalike Carrie-Anne Moss
Prostitute Myriam Moszko
Ray Norman Stokle (
1 episode, 1989) Gérard Touratier
Ghost Gabriel Burrafato
Gang Leader Junior Williams
Street Tough James Brown
(uncredited) Debra Satell
Maker (uncredited) Ryan Stiles


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